May 11, 2007

SCAR SYMMETRY, CLAWFINGER, PAIN and MACHINAE SUPREMACY have been confirmed for the the Bandit Metalfest, set to take place May 31 at Debaser Medis in Stockholm, Sweden.

For more information (in Swedish),click here.

Called "masters of melody, complexity, and aggression" by Kerrang! magazine and praised by Metal Hammer for their "sickeningly good riffery," SCAR SYMMETRY is continuing to promote "Pitch Black Progress". The album climbed as high as #4 on the CMJ Loud Rock and #9 on FMQB charts. Their video for "The Illusionist" debuted on MTV2's "Headbanger's Ball" in July 2006.

PAIN's fifth full-length album, "Psalms of Extinction", entered the national chart in Sweden at position No. 21. A video clip of PAIN performing the track "Zombie Slam" on the Swedish morning show "Nyhetsmorgon" on TV4 on April 17 has been posted online at this location. A video interview with PAIN/HYPOCRISY mastermind Peter TÃĪgtgren, conducted recently by Holland's FaceCulture, can be viewed here.

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